Hinweis: "Shop: Artikelliste" kann im Layout-Designer nicht angezeigt werden.
'; exit(); } $tc = new ShopTextController(); $currentPageUrl = 'sonstiges.html'; $detailsPageUrl = 'artikeldetail.php'; $builtInCategoryId = 12; $pathToRoot = ''; $vc = new ShopOptionValueController(); $productsPerPage = $vc->Value('products-per-page'); $imagePlaceholder = $pathToRoot . $vc->Value('image-placeholder'); $parsedCategoryId = ShopArticleViewHelper::ParseId(UrlHelper::GetCurrentFullUrl()); $categoryId = $parsedCategoryId > 0 ? $parsedCategoryId : $builtInCategoryId; $catController = new ShopCategoryController(); $articleController = new ShopArticleController(); $category = $catController->GetCategoryById($categoryId); $parentCategories = $catController->GetParentCategoriesById($categoryId); $childCategories = $catController->GetCategoriesByParentId($categoryId); $childArticleCount = $articleController->CountArticlesByCategoryId($categoryId); // paging $currentUrl = UrlHelper::GetCurrentFullUrl(); $pages = ceil($childArticleCount / $productsPerPage); $currentPage = UrlHelper::GetParameter($currentUrl, 'page', 1); if ( $currentPage > $pages ){ $currentPage = $pages; } else if ( $currentPage < 1){ $currentPage = 1; } $currentProductNo = ($productsPerPage * $currentPage) - $productsPerPage; $prevPageUrl = $currentPage > 1 ? UrlHelper::SetParameter($currentUrl, 'page', $currentPage-1) : ""; $nextPageUrl = $currentPage < $pages ? UrlHelper::SetParameter($currentUrl, 'page', $currentPage+1) : ""; // get child articles for currentPage $childArticles = $articleController->GetArticlesByCategoryId($categoryId, UrlHelper::GetParameter(UrlHelper::GetCurrentFullUrl(), 'offset', $currentProductNo), $productsPerPage); $pathToRoot = ''; $ccwidth = 305; $imagePlaceholder = $pathToRoot . 'assets/php/shop/images/image-placeholder-grey.png'; // get link to project-wide shipmend cost page $lec = new ShopLegalEntityController(); $le = $lec->GetLegalEntityById(ZPS_LEGAL_ENTITY_ID); $shipmentCostsPageOid = $le->ShipmentCostsPageOid; $ppc = new ShopPreparedArticleController(); $ppp = new ShopPreparedPageController(); $pp3 = $ppc->GetByOid($shipmentCostsPageOid); if ( is_null($pp3) ) $pp3 = $ppp->GetByOid($shipmentCostsPageOid); $shipmentCostsLink = is_null($pp3) ? '' : PathHelper::JoinPathVirtual( $pathToRoot, $pp3->RelativeUrl ); // Helper function to format Grundpreis for listings, depending if a product or a variant is being listed if(!function_exists("getGrundpreis")) { function getGrundpreis($gpVariant, $gpArticle){ // Grundpreis $gpReturnVal = ""; if ( $gpVariant ){ if ( $gpVariant->UseGrundpreis ) { $gpReturnVal = ' ' . ShopGrundpreisHelper::FormatGrundpreis($gpVariant) . ''; } } else{ if ( $gpArticle->UseGrundpreis ) { $gpReturnVal = ' ' . ShopGrundpreisHelper::FormatGrundpreis($gpArticle) . ''; } } return $gpReturnVal; } } ?>

Name ?>

Description ?>

Name ?> » Name ?>

Text('alert-category-not-found') ?>

    $childArticle) { $articleImages = $articleController->GetArticleImagesByArticleId($childArticle->Id); // get price of first variant (which will initially be displaed in the article details, so we can display that instead of the generic article price (which can't be ordered) $articleVariant = NULL; $articleVariants = $articleController->GetVariantsByArticleId($childArticle->Id); if ( !empty($articleVariants) ){ // Varianten nach Preis aufsteigend sortieren usort($articleVariants, function($a, $b) { if ($a == $b) { return 0;} return ($a->Price < $b->Price) ? -1 : 1; }); // 1. variante ist die mit dem biligsten Preise $articleVariant = $articleController->GetArticleVariantById($articleVariants[/**/0]->Id, $pathToRoot, $ccwidth); } // Grundpreis $grundPreis = getGrundpreis($articleVariant, $childArticle); ?>
  • "> <?=$articleImages[0]->AltText?>

    NonReducedPrice > 0 ){ ?> NonReducedPrice) ?> Text('preis-ab') ?> Price) ?> NonReducedPrice > 0 ){ ?> NonReducedPrice) ?> Price) ?> FreeShipping ){ ?>

    Text('beschreibung-preis-kostenloser-versand', $shipmentCostsLink) ?>

    Text('beschreibung-preis', $shipmentCostsLink) ?>

    Name ?>
$productsPerPage ){ ?>
Text('text-previous-page') ?> Text('text-paging', $currentPage, $pages) ?> Text('text-next-page') ?>

Text('title-unterkategorien') ?>

    ImageUnique) ){ $subcategoryImageSrc = ShopArticleImageViewHelper::BuildCategoryImageUrl($childCategory, $pathToRoot); $subcategoryImageAlt = $childCategory->ImageAltText; $subcategoryImageTitle = $childCategory->ImageDescription; } else{ $subcategoryImageSrc = $imagePlaceholder; $subcategoryImageAlt = ''; $subcategoryImageTitle = ''; } ?>
  • Name ?>

Text('alert-article-none-found') ?>